A Midsummer Nights Comedy Show
A Midsummer Nights Comedy Show
“A Midsummer Nights Comedy Show” is the 1st show of 2024’s “Summer Comedy Series”. In this show Comedian Timmy Boyle brings his classic, family-friendly stand-up comedy performance to the stage. Since 2009, Timmy has taken his impeccable wit, laid back charm & expert crowd work to audiences across North America. Rocking a suit & wool socks while nursing his iconic glass of OJ, Timmy provides the gift of laughter with a unique blend of casual story-telling, passionate commentary, occasional theatrics and just the right amount of quirk. Join us for an evening of laughter & all-around fun! Celebrate summer with some classic stand-up comedy and then stay for the FREE Karaoke After Party provided by Magic Mic Karaoke. Doors Open 7:00pm / Show Starts 7:30pm / Karaoke After Party est 9:00-10:30pm *ABOUT THE SUMMER COMEDY SERIES* In celebration of 15 years of professional entertainment, nationally touring comedian (and Stirling, ON resident) Timmy Boyle is providing four unique comedy experiences right in his proverbial back yard! #NationallyTouringLocallyYours JUN 21 – Celebrate summer with some classic stand up comedy! JUL 19 – Celebrate Timmy’s birthday with a “Feud” game show experience! #borntohost AUG 08 – Celebrate 08/08 with a hilariously nostalgic 80’s tribute! SEP 07 – Celebrate the 10th anniversary of Timmy’s book with a hilarious trip “Inside Timmy’s Mind”! EVERY show is followed by a FREE Karaoke After Party provided by Magic Mic Karaoke